Progress on the rocket a little slow.

Today didn't go as well as planned. I'm having a little trouble getting the rocket to look like my plans.

Part of the problem is that Mom won't let me use any of the power tools.

She wants to know why I have to use a saw of any kind. I asked her how she thought I was going to get all the pieces of the rocket into the shapes I needed if I couldn't use a SAW?

I think I said it a little too loud. I got a look. But she did say I could use the hand saw, so long as I was very careful and I didn't let Donald touch it. I don't know what she thinks he'd do with it. I mean, he's not the brightest kid I know, but I don't think he'd cut his arm off.
Then I told her she was the one who said I should let him help.

I had to spend the next hour in my room thinking about my tone of voice. It gave me time to plan the schedule and map out the trip.

I've started building the rocket!

I made some really good progress on the rocket today - even though my brother, Donald, decided he needed to help. I told him to go play with the cowboy stuff I gave him, but Mom said I had to let him help.

When I tried to tell her he would just muck things up, she gave me one of her looks. This one was a combination "I'm-disappointed-in-you/Do-what-I-say-or-you-know-what" kind of look.

Mom has lots of looks and it has taken me a while to learn them all. Donald can't read them yet and you can see he gets confused.

Dad only has one look and you better do what he says when he gives it to you.

I worked on the cockpit mostly today. I want it to be as comfortable as possible - you never know how long one of these space trips will be. I need to have room for snacks and some comic books and stuff to draw with, which I forgot about in my first plan. But, I was able to fix it without changing the overall design too much.

Now, if I could just figure out what to do with Donald.

The plans for my rocket ship are complete!

I spent most of last night coming up with an awesome plan for my rocket ship.

I almost forgot to do my homework. That wouldn't have been too good, because then I would have had to stay after school to do it and all I want to do is get started building my ship.

When I got home I started going through the garage looking for the stuff I'll need. 

Mom was right, Dad keeps EVERYTHING. There was a box full of string. Just short bits, nothing you could use to tie anything with. An old deer head with a plaque that says "Bagged by Woody." My Dad doesn't know anyone named Woody. And he doesn't hunt! There was a can full of nickels (I'll have to remember that next time I go to the deli), three broken chairs, a box of corks, old tires and a mannequin. And that was just in one corner!

I did find the things I'll need: wood, bicycle wheels, the steering wheel off Tin Flyer, an old grill, a plunger, this plastic bowl thingy I'll use as a dome, lots of nails and screws and all the tools I'll need for construction.

The rocket building begins!

I'm going to Mars!

This is it, I've decided to go to Mars.

I'm done being a cowboy, I'm too old for the hat and boots and holster. 
My brother, Donald, can have them.

It's time to start building my rocket ship and prepare for my trip.

My garage is full of stuff to build a rocket with. My Mom says Dad can't get rid of anything. We built a go-cart for a Cub Scout's competition out some old sheet metal he had. It was really cool. We called it the Tin Flyer. I didn't win the race, sheet metal is pretty heavy. But I did get a ribbon for creativity and after the race all the kids decided to have a smash-up derby with our go-carts. That, I did win. Trust me, sheet metal holds up pretty well to balsa and plywood.
Well it's time to go draw up the plans for the rocket ship! See ya!