I'm going to Mars!

This is it, I've decided to go to Mars.

I'm done being a cowboy, I'm too old for the hat and boots and holster. 
My brother, Donald, can have them.

It's time to start building my rocket ship and prepare for my trip.

My garage is full of stuff to build a rocket with. My Mom says Dad can't get rid of anything. We built a go-cart for a Cub Scout's competition out some old sheet metal he had. It was really cool. We called it the Tin Flyer. I didn't win the race, sheet metal is pretty heavy. But I did get a ribbon for creativity and after the race all the kids decided to have a smash-up derby with our go-carts. That, I did win. Trust me, sheet metal holds up pretty well to balsa and plywood.
Well it's time to go draw up the plans for the rocket ship! See ya!

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